Satsang with B. Prior (New Zealand) - 27 oktober te Bergen N.H.
“We are not blinded by the light, we are blinded by the known. Your freedom is in the unknown.”
Bernie Prior, known as “B” is a contemporary visionary and teacher. He offers a profoundly unique and enlightening perspective on life from the smallest matters that shape our personal lives to the biggest universal questions of human existence.
With compassion, humour and uncompromising Truth, he brings the highest teachings straight into one’s core and into daily life.
His teaching about enlightened partnership, real intimacy and the calling to a higher Love as men and women of Truth, undoes and transcends everything the world has taught us.
He is the author “Love Without Duality “ a book about awakening in profound Love and intimacy.
B lives in New Zealand and travels the globe extensively offering talks, seminars and residential retreats.
Do check his site with most interesting information and insights:
Meetings with B are a profound inner-outer discovery of Life and Love beyond Duality. They spring from and speak to one’s innermost calling to enter into an entirely new intimacy with life.
No meeting is ever the same; the sessions are unscripted and interactive, always ‘New-Now’ and you may touch upon any area of Life: relationships, sexuality, children, parenting, work and creativity. Laying it all at the heart of deeper Knowing Awareness B’s constant and heartful invitation to open to greater Love in all things will ignite your heart and Being from the inside out.
More about B
Born in 1954 in England, B’s childhood and teenage years were marked by profound mystical experiences. At age 19 he awakened in the realisation of One-ness and at 33 he opened into the Absolute. Within this unfolding he was graced with the rare and profound realisation of the Bhagavati, the Divine Feminine Principle.
A life of service in utter dedication to the awakening and evolution of humanity began and continues to unfold...
Op zondag 27 october 2019 Tijdstip: 14:30 uur tot 17 uur (zaal open om 14:00 uur)
Locatie: T+O gebouw Kogendijk 42A, 1862 XE Bergen N.H
Gratis parkeren voor deze locatie en in de wijk.
Vergoeding: 15 Euro (Dit bedrag is inclusief koffie/thee/lekkers).
Dit bedrag kan worden overgemaakt op rekeningnr. NL37 RABO 0327 7053 53, H.J. Borst,
onder vermelding van: B. Prior.