It helps us see clearly – what is blocking our communication from being effective, and is teaching us what we can do differently to create communication that works. Some of the topics of this gathering:
- How to be radically honest without being judgmental nor demanding?
- How to hear the essence of what other people say, no matter how they express it (verbally or non verbally)?
- How to stand for your needs and assertively ask for what you want?
- How to connect through conflict?
- The power of Empathy to dissolve anger, pain, fear and hurt
- And more…!
NVC is widely used all around the globe as a communication tool, conflict resolution, mediation, coaching and self development tool. NVC is successfully used in organizations, teams, businesses, politics, prisons, schools, families and for all people in millions of every day life situations. “The intention is not to ‘understand compassionate communication’ but to ‘Embody NVC’ into your life.” About Yoram Mosenzon: CNVC certified trainer, coach and a Mediator. Yoram was a dancer/choreograph when he met with Non Violent Communication 13 years ago. Six years ago he decided to stop all his artistic activities in order to dedicate his full time and energy to sharing this important message. Yoram is now full-time teaching NVC internationally to the general public, to teachers in schools, university, parents, businesses etc. More information about Yoram: Zie Yoram in ‘Dus ik ben’ op tv: Basiskennis van de Engelse taal is voldoende om deze lezing te kunnen volgen. De prachtige piano-klanken van Mark Kirkenier omlijsten deze middag.
Wanneer? Op zaterdagmiddag 4 april 2015 Locatie: ‘De Nieuwe Beuk’ (achter de Petrus Paulus Kerk), Dorpsstraat 20, 1861 KW Bergen N.H. Tijdstip: 14 uur tot 17 uur (zaal open om 13.30 uur) Vergoeding: 15 euro (vermeld duidelijk jouw naam bij de betaling) Lees s.v.p. de SPELREGELS op onze website!